How to Get Rid of a Dry Scalp

A dry and flaky scalp isn’t just embarrassing when it starts dropping those little white flakes of dead skin all over the shoulders of your black top, but a dry scalp can also be really itchy and uncomfortable. So what can you do about it?

How to Get Rid of a Dry Scalp

One of the most effective things you can do to reduce scalp dryness is to steer clear of products which contain sulphates. Sulphates are routinely used in cheaper shampoos and conditioners. Avoiding silicones in products is also a good idea as they can prevent you’re the skin of your scalp from breathing properly. To boost moisture and alleviate dryness, switch to products with gentle and natural ingredients. Shampoos which contain baobab oil, Vitamin E, and aloe are great for boosting moisture. Products which use antioxidants like green tea and goji berries are also a positive.

Another thing you can do is to limit how often you wash your hair. Washing your hair only two or three times a week if you wash it every day may take some getting used to, but it could make a big difference to the health of your scalp.

When you do wash your hair, avoid putting conditioner directly onto your scalp and keep it instead to the ends of your hair. Conditioners can coat the scalp which then leads to dryness (as strange as this may sound). This is especially true if the conditioner is silicone-based.

Finally, what you eat can make a big difference. As the scalp is similar to the rest of our skin, eating foods with key nutrients like omega 3 oils and vitamins A, C, and E will really help the scalp, as well as the rest if your skin, to keep its moisture and structure. (N.B. For a super-boost, these nutrients are also available as supplements which can be found at your local pharmacy or health food shop.)

Via Elle