When it comes to urban legends, universities are a fantastically fertile breeding ground. These are a few favourites that are well worth sharing. Cakes and Ale at Cambridge A bright young student was sitting an exam at Cambridge University when he called the proctor over and asked the proctor to bring him cakes and […]

Flexible Jobs to Help You Get By at Uni
Plenty of us find that our student loan simply doesn’t go far enough. We probably could scrimp and save to make it last, but then we come to the conclusion that our student life would be much more enjoyable and comfortable if we could supplement it with an income from some part-time work. […]

The Amazing Student Apps That You Ought To Know About
Some of these you may already have come across, some you may not, but they’re all apps that will help make being a student easier. […]

Friends by Choice, or by Chance?
Who you end up sharing a flat with during your first year at university is often not your own choice. It’s pot luck who the university puts you with. Or is it? It turns out that each university has very specific ideas about how to find an ideal mix of flatmates, and they vary massively. […]