Category: General news

Top Tips for Cutting Back on Plastic

Top Tips for Cutting Back on Plastic

We know that the amount of plastic we use is bad for the environment. Plastic can take up to 1000 years to decompose, and in the meantime, it can harm wildlife and pollute the oceans. Many governments are putting plans in place to help reduce the amount of plastic we use, but what can individuals […]


Do You Need A TV License?

Do You Need A TV License?

At one time you only needed a TV license if you were watching a physical television set in your home. Now things aren’t that simple. Now that streaming and online catch-up services on phones and computers are such a big part of our watching habits, it can be hard to tell whether you need a […]


Would You Be Willing to Rent Your Wardrobe?

Would You Be Willing to Rent Your Wardrobe?

We know that the throw-away fashion industry is incredibly bad for the environment. In fact, just one pair of jeans and a shirt can take up to 20,000 litres of water to produce! That’s a lot of impact, and that’s even before the carbon levels needed to make and transport the clothes are taken into […]