When stress gets too much and anxiety overwhelms you, it’s hard to find a way out. One way to help bring yourself back to the present and away from the stress is by using the 5-4-3-2-1 grounding technique. It’s easy to remember, quick to do, and helps to take you out of the stressful thoughts […]

Why Can’t I Sleep? – How To Get Your Routine Back
You’re tired all day, you’re looking forward to that night when you can finally be reunited with your duvet, then when the time comes and you’re tucked up in bed you find you can’t sleep. So frustrating! […]

Is It Wrong to Re-Gift?
We’ve all been there. We’ve been given a gift that we know as soon as we open it, is something we’ll never use. So, once we have thanked the person who gave it to us (because even if it’s not something we really want, it’s still a gift and it still deserves a response of […]

Your Body Is Not An Apology!
Sometimes we come across books that make us stop in our tracks because the message they have for readers is so powerful. […]

How To Easily Add Volume To Your Hair
If your hair is looking a little flat, and you’re longing to add some body to your limp locks, these quick and easy tips will add some volume to your style in no time. […]