Some of the most popular videos on YouTube are Beauty Vlogs. Watching them is great, and can give you lots of new makeup ideas to try out, but also fun is creating your own. […]

Questions to Help You Look at the Big Picture
With such a hectic pace of life, it’s all too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, and lose sight of how our life is as a whole. It’s something we should all be doing though – reviewing where we are at the moment and if it’s helping us to get to where we […]

New Job? Listen to these Podcasts!
Podcasts have become incredibly popular and incredibly diverse. There are podcasts on almost every topic you could imagine (and some which we had no idea could even be a topic)! It does mean that choosing which ones to listen to is a tough decision. These are a few of top suggestions for anyone about to […]

Is a Big Salary Really What We Want?
The job we do certainly needs to give us enough money to live on, but according to a survey of over 30,000 people aged between 18 and 35 from 186 countries, the salary we’re paid isn’t the only important factor when it comes to choosing a job. […]

Would You Become a Nun?
It may sound like a bit of an antiquated idea – becoming a nun. Perhaps it conjures up ideas of ‘disgraced’ women being forced into convents, or old women praying on their knees in a draughty abbey, but for some young women, becoming a nun is something which some they really want to do. […]