Tag: Wellbeing

ptsd pregnancy

PTSD After Pregnancy: What Is It And How To Seek Help

Many people assume that if a mother and baby are healthy, then all is well. Unfortunately, this is not always true. Many women have traumatic pregnancy and birth experiences, which can influence their mental health. In fact, research shows that around 4-5% of women who give birth develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It could be […]


Postnatal Depression: How to Spot the Signs and How to Help

Postnatal depression is more common than people think. It’s estimated to affect more than 1 in 10 women, but it can affect everyone differently. It has a broad range of symptoms, but there are some that are more common than others. Postnatal depression is different from the baby blues, but both are common post-partum conditions. […]


keeping children safe online

Tips for keeping your children safe online

Children of all ages have been spending more time online than ever before. With lockdown schooling, online has been how they learn and how they communicate with their friends almost exclusively. As parents, we’ve all been a little concerned about how this might affect their mental health, and if they’re staying safe and taking appropriate […]