Looking After The Earth: Small Changes Your Household Can Make To Help Our Planet

We’ve all heard about how going green will be beneficial for the planet, but it can also feel very overwhelming. There’s a barrage of information about what we should, or shouldn’t be doing, and it can seem like too much to change all at once.

Instead, try to make one small change per month. You’re more likely to keep it up, and small changes make a big impact.


looking after the earth


1. Reusable Water Bottle And Reusable Coffee Mug


If you counted up how many disposable water bottles and takeaway coffee cups you throw in the bin, it would probably surprise you.

Recyclable cups and bottles are a good halfway point, but reusable ones are better. As an added plus, you can find one with cute designs, or ones that can be completely personalised.


2. Make Your Own Cleaning Products


Making your own cleaning products isn’t as complicated as it sounds. White vinegar and baking soda are two of the best natural cleaners, and they’ll clean pretty much anything and everything.

You can reduce the amount of plastic too, as you can reuse packaging to store your home- made cleaners, and you will also reduce the amount of chemicals in your home.


3. Save Water


There are a few simple ways to save water in your home. You could install a water-saving shower head in your shower. It will limit how much water wastage you have.

You should also try to remember to turn the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth. Additionally, you could use leftover drinking water to water any plants rather than running the tap specifically for plant water.


4. Reduce Junk Mail


Junk mail is usually just a minor annoyance, but it can have a huge impact on the environment. You can opt out of junk mail by contacting Royal Mail or registering with the Your Choice scheme.


5. Take Your Reusable Bags


Try to take reusable shopping bags with you when you go for your grocery shopping. It’s so easy to forget them (we’re all guilty of it) but it helps to keep a supply in different places like the car, or your bag.


6. Leave Produce Unpackaged


Produce like loose fruits and vegetable don’t really need to be packaged. You can leave them loose. If you do want to package them, you can use a reusable vegetable bag.


7. Change Your Lightbulbs


Switching your lightbulbs from traditional bulbs to energy efficient bulbs such as LEDs is a small change to make, but it’s one that helps the environment, and can reduce your energy bills. It’s a win-win!


8. Unplug


Keeping devices on standby or plugged in but not in use still uses energy. Unfortunately, it’s wasted energy. Turning them off, or unplugging them saves this energy, which helps the environment and saves you money!