Signs Your Baby Might Be Teething and How to Help

Teething can be a difficult time for your baby and you. Most babies start teething around 6 months old, but it can happen sooner or later. Teething usually begins with the lower front teeth. It can last until your baby is 36 months or slightly older when the back molars come in. Symptoms of teething can be very similar to the symptoms of minor illnesses like a cold.




Common Symptoms and How to Help

The following symptoms are the most common symptoms of teething, and tips on how you can help your baby deal with them.



You might notice that your little one is unusually irritable when they’re teething. Generally speaking, the first teeth and the molars are the most uncomfortable to erupt through the gums. You might notice that your baby is more irritable when these teeth are coming through.


How To Help

The best way to help your baby deal with their discomfort and irritability is to spend more time holding them, cuddling them, and comforting them. Spending more time cuddling your little one can help ease the discomfort and help them to feel reassured.


Drooling And Skin Rashes

You might notice that your baby drools a bit more than usual when they’re teething. Babies can drool quite a lot anyway, but you might notice that they drool more during teething. It’s thought that teething can stimulate your baby’s mouth in the same way as chewing, which creates excess saliva.


How To Help

Increased drooling can cause skin rashes around the mouth, cheeks, chin, and neck. The best way to help your little one is to keep these areas as clean and dry as possible. Try to pat the skin rather than wipe it as wiping can cause irritation.


Biting, Gnawing and Chewing

Biting, gnawing, or chewing are common signs of teething. The pressure that your little one creates by the chewing action can help ease the pain coming from under the gum.


How To Help

Some babies really like cold foods when they’re teething. Things like frozen fruit and vegetable puree, and frozen yoghurt are great for easing sore gums. You can also try textured teething rings, chew beads and other teething toys. Many of these are safe to be chilled which can also help.


Low Grade Temperature

Some babies can have a slightly higher temperature when they’re teething. This can be up to 38 degrees celcius, although this can vary from baby to baby. A temperature of higher than 38 is a fever and should be treated by a doctor. Anything between 36.4 and 38 can be a slight rise due to teething, or because your little one has been putting their hands into their mouth.


How To Help

You can help keep a mild temperature under control with an age-appropriate, over-the-counter pain medication like paracetamol. If your little one’s temperature rises above 38 degrees, then should contact your GP.


Cheek Rubbing and Ear Pulling

Pain in your little one’s gums from teething can cause pain and discomfort in the cheeks and ears. Therefore, pulling or rubbing at their ear or cheek can be a sign of teething.


How To Help

You may be able to help ease your infant’s discomfort by rubbing and massaging their gums. Make sure that your fingers are clean and try a short two-minute massage to see if it gives any relief.